Sunday, 5 February 2012

3: Four Weeks Later

After browsing the wonderful internet, it became obvious to me that to have any idea if Lulu were pregnant I would have to wait or spend ridiculous amounts of money on a vet. 

And me being a poorly student I opted for waiting.

This meant that all my questions and facts came from numerous sources.. Google Search. Hours of reading, looking and in some cases watching, I felt a bit more at ease with the process.

These are a few thing I found important/ interesting:

  • Gestation period for a cat can be anywhere from 57 to 69 days (averaging around 65 days)
  • It is definitely possible to have numerous fathers to one litter of kittens
  • Cats can get pregnant from as young as 4 months
  • You can have cat ultrasounds after 15 days
  • Cats usually purr during labour 
  • Kittens are always born with blue eyes. The true color won’t start showing through until around 5 or 6 weeks.
  • A kitten will usually open its eyes between 5 and 10 days old.
  • You can try  self diagnose pregnancy by an increase in appetite, swollen nipples and a change in the cats behaviour
  • Cats can have anywhere from 1 to 19 kittens ( 19 being the record for one litter )
  • A quick way of calculating the birth date if u know the mating date is by checking this calendar ( )
  • Very informative sites ( ,

As I reached week 4 it was very clear that lulu was going to be a mother. After much research and from photos posted above and below Lulu had what seemed to be a pot belly and very pink, swollen nipples. So the kittens are on there way,


according to many websites here are a few characteristics of the unborn kittens as of 4 to 4.5 weeks.

kittens by this stage have claws and most organs, they have some small bones and they have developing ears  and eyelids have formed.

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